New Qsat Powervu / Spycam Software & 3 months Spycam Codes

You can call this market strategy by qsat, the point remains that they are trying to provide remedy for a tight situation. I mean they are trying to increase options for their clients. Some days ago, qsat released two new Auto roll powervu / spycam software fro their two latest decoders(q28g and q26g). In similar fashion, qsat team have commenced the production of 3 months account. The price of the three months account(as expected) if not the exact half of that of six months. This new development also extends to new decoders. Very soon only 3 months accounts will come preloaded on qsat decoders. I personally still prefer the six months account because it is cheaper and more convenient to use. Beisdes, it has no really occured that qsat will be totally dead for six months at a strecth/ But they have been dead for 2 1/2 months on dst* in the past. Another food for thought about considering six months account is the ease of procurement. Especially in Nigeria, it is not easy sending koney out now to buy codes every three months. My prayer is that they should not completely stop selling the six months account like they stopped selling that of one year.
The new three months also comes with its own scintillating attractions like:
  • It is affordable (though comparatively more expensive than sx months codes).
  • It may save you some money if for example qsat goes of for like five months at a stretch, you can say something like “Thank God i did not buy six months” This is very much unlikely for qsat to be dead on both dst* and canalsat at the same time for like 4 months.
  • The three months preloaded into new qsat decoders makes the decoder cheaper.
  • One problem we are likely to experience is that of scammers. Some dealers may sell three months accounts for the price of six months.
However, both three months accounts and six months spycam codes share similar characteristics apart from the fact that one’s validity days is longer than that of the other. When next you consult your supplier, you may ask of the three months accounts and compare it.

Download Qsat Q28 & Q26 POWERVU & Champion tv Internet update software

The latest qsat powervu software was said to also support champon tv(not personally tested on champion tv). However, the software is not a full auto roll software. Any time champion tv changes keys, you must connect qat to internet to load another key. meaning if you do not have internet on your qat and either mtn worldwide or champion tv changes their key, you wont be able to watch powervu or champion tv on qat until you get iy connected to the internet. We should always remember that this powevu / biss package of qsat is an extra and independent of spycam code which opens dst* and canalsat for now. qsat powevu and champion tv solution is subjected to instability and unreliability . For now, or until further notice, this new software is available for their latest decoders whch are q28g and q26g. I guess they may roll it out for others later.


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