Download GSKY_RS232_upg_tool To Revive Any Dead Gsky

With every device software upgrade, comes some degree of risk to the device itself. I dropped the latest software for gsky decoders few days ago, and i believe in the course of upgrading their gsky decoder, some people may soft-brick(otherwise known as kill their decoder) due to wrong upgrade or power interruption during upgrade. If you are in this position, you can revive your decoder using a desktop computer, rs232 cable, compatible gsky software and gsky pc loader / tool.
gsky upgrade too
I want to quickly chip it in that the pc tools only works with a gsky decoder that is soft-brick(Soft-brick in the sense that it has a major software problem mostly caused by wrong upgrade, incomplete upgrade  or failed upgrade. if your gsky is having a hardware problem, this will not work for you.



  1. After downloading the pc loader and the software from the links above,
  2. Extract the .rar pc tool so that you can have access to the folder inside.
  3. open the extracted folder that goes by the name “GSKY_RS232_upg_tool
  4. Then run the file inside the folder named “TCOM_UPG.exe
  5. Choose the correct “COM PORT” for your serial port..
  6. Choose the upgrade software
  7. Click start and then power on your dead decoder.. once the upgrade completes, you can continue enjoying your gsky normally as if nothing happened in the first place.


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