
Now let us go straight to business. I will come down as low as possible in explaining this. First thing first, Let us demystify the most nagging error in azsky recharge tool ” M3 random error”.
October 19, 2014 By 261 Comments
One thing you must know is that, loading
azsky account is very very easy and error free especially when you
follow instructions. By the time am through with this article, you will
be a guru in loading azsky accounts and interpreting azsky recharge tool
errors. If you are already, a guru, then i must have made your job
easier. This article is mostly dedicated to the newbies in the house who
wishes to start loading the accounts themselves. Although the geeks and
gurus in the house will also benefit from these.Now let us go straight to business. I will come down as low as possible in explaining this. First thing first, Let us demystify the most nagging error in azsky recharge tool ” M3 random error”.
- Make sure your azsky dongle has actually expired; you can know this buy simply calculating the number of months from the time a sim card was inserted into your dongle. In other word, if the activation time of your dongle is not at least six months old, then your dongle has not expired, simply change your sim card. Learn How To Interpret The LED Lights Status Of Azsky Dongles(know what is going on with the Led on your Azsky).
- Please if you are an installer or a sub-dealer who load for people, have your own dedicated desktop computer or a desktop computer that is always available for your use. However, if you are an end-user, please do the upgrade in a computer center using a desktop computer without internet facilities. make sure you supply the necessary internet facility from your own modem.
- Use only a stable 3g network, and make sure you force your modem to use only 3g network from my guide here.
- Use an rs232 cable that come boxed with your dongle. Avoid using a secondary r232 for the upgrade process.
- Use a desktop computer running windows xp
- disable your powerful antvirus software
- Use a computer that has never run an older version of recharge tool v3.06. I mean the latest version of azsky recharge tool should be the first that you should install on your computer.
What i mean by mandatory requirements is that, if you fail to comply with the following instructions, then the recharge process will fail 100%- You must have attempted to complete the loading process written by me here before you come here.
- Secondly, make sure you changed the “COM PORT” detected on recharge tool to the one you selected when you successfully flashed your box with flashtoll(Am saying this because I once used a desktop computer and i selected “COM PORT 1″, unfortunately for me, recharge tool selected “COM PORT 2″ automatically. I ran into “recharge failed , m3 random error” several times before i observed the change in port. Immediately i changed to “COM1″ on recharge tool, i succeeded. The bottom line here is that, you must use the COM POrt that worked for you with flashtool when you are using recharge tool
- Another instance is the fact that you must not allow your data plan or your airtime to get exhausted while you are stil trying to set your azsky account with recharge tool
- You must use posses only original azsky dongle e.g, g1 super, g2, g1, g1+, g6, g3 or xman. If you are trying to load azsky account into incompatiple dongles like microbox, eclink, A+ , azsky 12v(which is smae as A+ learn more here) Then the recharging will fail and you will also damage your dongle
- You must not use a damaged azsky device: to learn if your azsky dongle has hidden hardware problem, please follow the steps in my article here until you get to the point where you see something like what is shown in the picture below: (Note, if you are using a wrong COM PORT, you wont get to the picture below and you must also allow your dongle to boot fully before using the tool below)
the message inside the picture above is for G1:GPRS INIT OK.
For G1+… You will receive the following message:
F1: 0000 0000L0: 8005 0000 [FFFE]L1: 8005 0000 [FFFE]V2: 0000 0000 [0001] 00: 1012 0000
If you are very certain that your dongle has no communication problem or hardware problem, please skip the step above.- For you to use be successful, using azsky recharge tool, you must have a stable direct internet connection.(Not connection through a vpn or proxy). Use your normal connection that browses smoothly on your computer
- You must use a good, tested to be okay rs232 cable, especially the one that come with the dongle. Now this part is very tricky, you can use a defective rs232 cable with flashtool, but you can’t use a defective cable with azsky recharge tool. So if your recharge failed, and you think you have done every other thing right, it is time you borrow another rs232 cable.
- You must use only azsky recharge tool v3.06 or newer(as at the time of writing this article today19th, October 2014,11:09am Nigeria time, there is no newer version of azsky recharge tool yet).
- Your azsky recharge code must not be less than “16” digits of alphanumeric characters and it must be valid. I mean no other dongle must have loaded it before. So pleas, buy from a trusted supplier. Learn more about azsky account formats here
- After downloading the new azsky v3.06 recharge tool, if you discovered that you already installed an earlier version, please completely uninstall the previous version before installing the new one. However if you forgot to do this, i will suggest you use another computer or simply format your desktop computer.
- You must have basic knowledge of operating a computer or you must be able to read and understand English language if you have never done this before. Don’t get me wrong, someone who has never attended school can do this if you guide him with practicals. Someone who has never booted a computer may find it difficult understanding simple computer language like copy, paste, extract .rar firmware with winrar e.t.c.. so please you need to know how to interpret this. Imagine, someone downloaded v3.06 software and told me he can’t find it on his computer. How am i to explain this!!!
- You must first use azsky flashtool successfully before thinking of sing azsky recharge tool. In other words, flash your dongle successfully with flashtool before loading your account code with recharge tool you can’t escape this step. If you encounter problems flashing your dongle with flashtool, read this
- After flashing with azsky flashtool, you must first disconnect your dongle from your pc, reconnect your dongle, wait for at least 30 seconds before attempting to load your account via recharge tool.
- Once you use azsky to successfully recharge your dongle, on no account should you use azky flashtool again unless you want to invalidate your newly loaded account.
- You must not load one account into two dongles. It will only be loaded in the first dongle and you will get random error with the second dongle till eternity. It is operation one account to one dongle.
- If you get continuous errors flashing your azsky g2 with G1 software, then flash your g2 with g1+ software.
- You must download and use only the latest firmware for your dongle. You can get all the firmwares here.
- In very rare situation, azsky recharge server maybe busy thereby causing random errors to pop up. to solve this, simply try again later after some hours.
- After recharging your dongle successfully, and you tested your dongle and i is not decrypting any channel, you must do the followings: i. ask if azsky is generally online, if yes, ii. use another sim in your dongle(if yours is a receiver like G2 or G6, first make sure your switch is in TWIN, then factory reset your decoder, set it up again and then try all the active sim card you have) it will surely work, iii. if you are using a strong decoder with a dongle, make sure your dongle options within your strong decoder is enabled. Finally, try all the channels one after the other and wait for at least 2 minutes before changing channels.
- If you still experience the problems, post the exact errors you are getting here on the comment box. If you got your account through me, contact me via email.
- Read more error interpretations here:
(Note: If you are buying your azsky recharge codes from untrusted sources, you will get random error till eternity without any solution, especially if you were given a used azsky recharge code. The only way to know if an account as been used if only when you buy through trusted dealers who may help you ask azsky engineers. M3 Random Errors of azsky recharge tools is 60% caused by bad / unstable internet, 15% caused by defective devices 5% due to bad usage of flashtool or accessories and 20% caused by a hitherto used account)As the name implies, random simply means events happening, done or chosen by chance rather than according to plan. Similarly M3 random error in azsky recharge tool can be interpreted in so many ways and it can be avoided in most cases. For example, if you get : m3 random error, recharge failed, failed to get username, it may mean one of the followings:
- No internet, slow internet, unstable or interrupted internet
- invalid azsky recharge codes
- used azsky recharge codes
- Dongle has not been previously flashed with azsky flashtool
- Dongle has been damaged through wrong flashing method with flashtool
- Dongle was not allowed to properly boot for at least 30 seconds before recharge toll is used
- Fake azsky dongle
- dongle has hardware defect
- incompatible rs232 cable or damaged rs232 cable
- olde tools and firmwares are being used
- User forget to connect rs232 cable properly or at all after using flashtool.
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