Simple Trick on How To Ping On BBM Without BIS
I have Many Friends Using Blackberry and They all complain of Spending Much for BIS on Their Blackberry Just to connect to the Internet and PING. YO Might Be Wondering How Possible This is!! Dear, Do not Wonder any Longer. Its 100% Possible and Its Working Super Well!!!
Believe me, This trick is damn simple and you wont believe how simple it will be for you and guess what? It wont take more than 10-20 mins to complete the simple task.
With This Little Trick, You Can PING on your Blackberry, send chats, photos, Videos and Lots More without Subscribing For any BIS. It means that You can PING with Normal Data Subscriptions!!
Follow This Below Trick to Start PINGing On Your BBM without BIS.
Below are the Requirements For This:
#1. Any other Smart Phone (symbian or Android) or a PC and Your Blackberry.
Note: the SmartPhones and Pc must have Wireless Hotspot. i.e the ability to share network/data through a network.
#2. A working Sim card with Internet Data In It.
Follow The Below Steps To Get Started!!!
Step 1. Turn On the Hotspot Feature of Your SmartPhone or Pc.
For Android Devices, Go to Settings => Advanced Settings => Wireless & Networks => Tethering & portable hotspot => check the box on the=>Tethering & portable hotspot
For Symbian Devices, You Need an App called JOIKU SPOT PREMIUM. JoikuSpot Premium is the Nokia Symbian s60v3 applications designed to make the phone as a transmitter WIFI / WLAN, asmodem for laptop with connection WIFI.
JoikuSpot Premium features a complete and free of course because it is Cr@cked.
Step 2. This Is where you need your Blackberry. You will have to connect your Blackberry Device with Your Other Smartphone's Hotspot.
To Do this, Go to SETTINGS => NETWORKS => WIRELESS OR WLAN=> then check the box to activate wifi/wireless network in your blackberry.
After Doing this, you will automatically see a List of all available wireless network within your Viscinity!! Then You can then Connect to the Wireless network of your Smartphone or Pc by clicking on the Name From Your List. After it might have successfully connected, You can Now be able to Browse on your Blackberry and also PING.
With This, You can Open your BBM and Chat, Send Photos, Videos and lots more without subscribing for BIS
Cheers!! Enjoy Buddy!!!
Bonus: You Might want to Toggle your Hotspot access Just goto to its Security settings and change its network to WEP or Open. Changing It to WEP means That you wanna Lock your wireless Hotspot and no one can Use it without your access. Changing it to Open means that You wanna Make it Open to anyone for free!!

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