Often at times, I do ask myself, if every information is worth sharing. However, am certain that as simple as the info am about to share is, there are some people who don’t know how to address this issue. If you are a die in the wool dongle adherent like me, then you should have notice how qsat some times goes off prior to the commencement of a star football match. Initially, when qsat goes off before a match, azsky will follow suit. However of recent, azsky refused to go off same time qsat goes off. I n the light of this, any smart buyer will grab an azsky dongle and use it as a worthy backup for the qsat in case of emergencies. WHY SHOULD I AZSKY DONGLE AND NOT A+? It is a known fact that, after dst* did a soft upgrade some weeks back, A+ dongle and Eclink X5 dongle has been performing extremely poorly. In the case of A+, it was blocked by qsat because qsat suspected that A+ was tapping into its server. As speak, hardly will you be able to watch #10 stations o...